This recipe is for homemade Kit Kat Bars! WHAT!
I HAD to try them because they have Cat’s name in the title, though it’s totally spelled wrong! SOOOO glad I didn’t let that spelling error stop me, these things are fantastical!
So, let’s do this!
Grease a 8×8 baking dish and line it with SALTINE CRACKERS. Just to cover the bottom, as many as you can fit in a single layer.
In a saucepan, melt 1 C. BUTTER with 1/2 C. BROWN SUGAR and 1/2 C. SUGAR. When it’s all combined, pour half over the top of the crackers. Smooth to the edges.
Layer with more SALTINE CRACKERS.
Then, layer the other half of your beautiful buttery concoction of awesomeness. Don’t tell me you don’t want to pour it into your mouth instead, cause I won’t believe you fibber pants!
Put a THIRD layer of SALTINES over the top.
Use your same saucepan, so there are less dishes to wash of course, to melt 1 C. Crunchy, unsweetened PEANUT BUTTER with 1 C. SEMI-SWEET CHOCOLATE CHIPS.
Smooth this chocolaty, peanut buttery goodness over the top of the last layer of crackers.
Put the whole thing in the fridge for an hour or two so it can set up and not mush when you cut them.
Trust me, SO worth the wait!
P.S. Don’t try and cut into thin rectangle thingies like real Kit Kats. It, uh, doesn’t work! Just makes a gooey mess. I mean, a delicious gooey mess, but still a gooey mess. I wonder how many more times I can say the words gooey mess?
Cat’s Bars
Saltine Crackers
1 C. Butter
1/2 C. Brown Sugar
1/2 C. White Sugar
1 C. Peanut Butter
1 C. Chocolate Chips
- Grease a 8×8 baking dish and line it with saltine crackers. Just to cover the bottom in a single layer. In a saucepan, melt butter with brown sugar and white sugar. When it’s all combined, pour half over the top of the crackers. Smooth to the edges. Layer with more crackers.
- Then, layer with the other half of the butter and sugar mixture. Put a third layer of crackers over the top.
- Use your same saucepan, to melt peanut butter with chocolate chips. Smooth the chocolaty, peanut buttery goodness over the top of the last layer of crackers.
Put the whole thing in the fridge for an hour or two so it can set up and not mush when you cut it.