Can you, for those who don’t know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?
My name is Cori Cooper. I live in the AZ Mountains where it is NOT ridiculously hot, there are limited cacti and we spend most of the winter shoveling ourselves out of snow. Sounds made up, I know, but I promise it’s all true! I share this space with the best guy in the world, whom I married, four fantastic kiddos, two cranky cats and a graying dog who thinks she’s still a puppy.
I’ve been writing and reading stories since I was a little girl. I LOVE stories! I always wanted to be an Author, in fact, I tried numerous times over the years to publish, but my timing was off. Finally, when my babies were young and needed me most, I decided to pack my ambitions away with Lavender and focus on my family.
BEST decision EVER! Â
When Baby went to Kindergarten, I pulled that box out and dusted off my dreams. Publishing my first book, Bake Believe, is pretty much a dream come true, a marvelous journey with breathtaking views.Â
What is something unique/quirky about you?Â
You might be sorry you asked!Â
My socks never match, I’m super contrary, I can’t sleep if my feet are covered, I like cheese more than dessert, I have a knack for remembering names and faces, I dip my pizza in ranch dressing, I LOVE doing dishes and would rather scrub toilets than iron, I’m really organized – but can never find anything, I love puns, my favorite animal is a Platypus, I hate following recipes and I suck the life out of electronics and small appliances – like an Xmen. Seriously, we have been through like 11 toasters in 20 years of marriage. I just wish it gave me Xray vision or something.
Who is your hero and why?Â
I am blown away by Helen Keller! When I think about all that she accomplished, and all the obstacles in her way, it really testifies to me that we humans are capable of ANYTHING we put our minds to. We can do so much more than we realize.Â
How to find time to write as a parent?
It was easier when the kids were all at school for most of the day! Our school district is still distance learning, so we decided homeschool was our path. It’s been a bit of a balancing act, but here’s the part where a super supportive hubby and amazing kids come in handy! I set aside an hour everyday to write and they take care of the house and each other so I can have that uninterrupted time. It’s amazing how much I can get done in a short amount of time when I’m able to really focus on it.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?Â
When I finished Bake Believe, and decided that was the one to try and publish, I realized no one else was going to believe in me as a writer if I didn’t believe in myself. So, in that moment, I embraced myself as an Author. I shed all the old beliefs I’d hung onto for a long time. Stuff like: to be a writer, other people had to like my writing and to be a writer I had to have a successfully published book. Not only am I a writer now, but I’ve always been one.Â
Do you have a favorite movie?Â
Oh my goodness, movies! I’m a sucker for BBC Jane Austen remakes. My very favorite one is Emma with Romola Garai. It’s PERFECT. I also love the Sense and Sensibility version with Dan Stevens. But probably, my most favorite movie in the whole world is the live action Cinderella Disney made in 2015. It’s got such a good message, I never make it through that one without bawling!
What inspired you to write this book? (Bake Believe)
One day I was making Cinnamon Rolls for a friend who was sad and as I worked, I started thinking how cool it would be if the cinnamon rolls really could make her feel better. Like, really change how she felt. The thought rolled around in my mind for a couple weeks before Bake Believe was ready to outline.Â
What can we expect from you in the future?Â
For sure a second and third book to Bake Believe, then after that, I have fifteen or so novels and short stories in various stages of ready to roll. Fantasy, Young Adult, Chick Lit, Regency and some more Middle Grade. I’m ready when the publishers are!!
What did you enjoy most about writing this book?Â
Cat is the funnest character in the world. She was a pleasure to write. If you remember the last time you let yourself go, and belly laughed until you cried, that’s kind of what the experience was like. I just let all my silly out and I enjoyed every minute!
What is your favorite part of this book and why? (Bake Believe)
Hands down the scene where Cat takes cupcakes to Tobey’s house. Not only was it super fun to write, but my hubby and I brainstormed that scene together on a really long road trip. It was so great!
If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do?
I would spend all day baking with Tia Marissa, listening to Spanish radio and dancing barefoot in the kitchen while we bake for the people we love.Â
Are your characters based on real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination?Â
I think it’s pretty impossible to write without including people and places that are part of my life. There isn’t one person that translates into one character, but all of my characters have traits from the people I know. If they look hard enough, my friends and family will for sure see themselves in my characters.Â
What are your top 10 favorite books/authors?Â
That is tough! For sure, Anne of Green Gables – by LM Montgomery, Emma, Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion – by Jane Austen, Gone with the Wind – by Margaret Mitchell, My Fair Godmother – by Janette Rallison, The World’s Greatest Chocolate Covered Pork Chops – by Ryan Sager, Blackmoore – by Julianne Donaldson, My Own Mr Darcy – by Karey White and Shattered Snow – by Rachel Huffmire.Â
Do you see writing as a career?Â
For me I think it works better to see writing as FUN! I do it because I LOVE it, because writing is what I DO. I can’t imagine NOT writing. So, if that yields money and recognition, YAY, if not, I will still write, forever and always until the end of time, the end.Â
Do you write one book at a time or do you have several going at a time?
I always have one main manuscript I’m working on, but I can’t seem to stop myself from outlining and daydreaming up other ideas in the process. That moment when a new idea hits, and it’s good – you can tell- that is one of the most thrilling things about being a writer. I LOVE it!
Pen or typewriter or computer?
I always write my first drafts, outlines, by hand – old school – I think best with a pen in my hand. But after that, it’s computer all the way. I am particularly fond of the program Scrivener.Â
Tell us about a favorite character from a book.
Scarlett O’hara. Because she’s awful, but I still care about her and want to see what happens to her. That, to me, is masterful storytelling, when an author gives you a character you can’t like, but you can’t forget either.Â
What makes a good story?Â
I LOVE character driven stories. If I don’t care about the character, I don’t really care about what happens to them. Give me flawed, vulnerable, loveable characters!
What is your writing Kryptonite?
Punctuation! I still don’t know where to put commas and I don’t even want to talk about the semi-colon.Â
Advice they would give new authors?Â
My advice to new authors? Don’t worry what anyone else thinks and don’t give up. If you care enough to write a story, there is a place for it in this world. Keep trying to get it out there until someone takes it. Just because some people don’t like it, doesn’t mean it isn’t good. There are like a gazillion people in this world, someone will like your writing. You just keep on keeping on until you find that someone. And in the meantime, YOU believe in YOU.