Which Character in Bake Believe do you think is the most like YOU? Why?
What happened for Cat in the beginning of the book that changed how she feels about food?
What recipe from the book do you want to try most? Why?
What’s the first thing you ever baked on your own?
Tobey wonders what it is about food that makes you feel so good, How would you answer his question?
What is your favorite silly joke? Share it with the group.
What would you do if you discovered a secret ability like Cat does?
Would you call Cat’s ability to bake her feelings a Gift or a Curse?
Why do you think Cat’s Mom never taught her to bake?
Do you think Robyn is a good friend? Why or Why Not?
What’s the silliest thing you ever did to get the attention of a boy or girl you liked?
Mrs. Cake is the Culinary Arts teacher, her name fits her job perfectly. If you were given a job based on your name, what would you have to do for work?
Cat goes to the library to find a cookbook with an easy recipe. What would you consider an easy, basic beginning baker recipe?
Aunt Marissa and Robyn use Spanish a lot when they talk, do you know another language? What language do you most want to learn?
Cat makes a list of things she wants to do on the last day of Summer, What would you do to make a day epically awesome?
Cat is close to her family, how do you feel about your own family? What can you do to be closer?
What would you do if you were Cat and a love crazed six year old was chasing you through the house?
Cat really loves soft Pretzels, what is your most favorite baked treat?
Do you think your feelings can really affect the food you make? Why or Why Not?
What do you think will happen in the Sequel?