3 C. all-purpose Flour
6 TBSP Sugar
4 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Salt
4 Eggs
3 C. warm Milk
1/2 C. Melted Butter
Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl. Separate the eggs, yolks in one bowl, a different bowl than the one with the dry ingredients, and then put the whites in another bowl all together.
So, that’s three bowls.
Beat the yolks until they are thick and lemony. Beat the egg whites in a stand mixer or with a hand mixer until they morph into thick, glossy, stiff peaks. Set this bowl aside for a bit. Add milk and butter to egg yolks. Combine with the dry ingredients, stirring with wide sweeps around the bowl.
Sometime around now you might want to preheat that waffle iron so it’s ready when you are. Waiting for a waffle iron is worse than waiting for your teenage sister to get out of the bathroom in the morning.
No, not that bad. Never mind.
Fold the magical egg whites into the batter using the same wide strokes you did before, just until they are all combined. When the waffle iron is ready, spray it with nonstick spray and ladle about 1/3 cup into the iron. Cook until ready and continue until batter is gone.
3 C. all-purpose Flour
6 TBSP Sugar
4 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Salt
4 Eggs
3 C. warm Milk
1/2 C. Melted Butter
- Preheat the waffle iron. Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl. Separate the eggs, yolks in one bowl, a different bowl than the one with the dry ingredients, and then put the whites in another bowl all together. So, that’s three bowls.
- Beat the yolks until they are thick and lemony. Beat the egg whites in a stand mixer or with a hand mixer until they morph into thick, glossy, stiff peaks. Set this bowl aside for a bit. Add milk and butter to egg yolks. Combine with the dry ingredients, stirring with wide sweeps around the bowl.
- Fold the egg whites into the batter using the same wide strokes you did before, just until they are all combined. When the waffle iron is ready, spray it with nonstick spray and ladle about 1/3 cup into the iron. Cook until ready and continue until batter is gone.