1 C. salted Butter, cold and cubed so you don’t kill your mixer.
1/2 C. White Sugar
1 C. Light Brown Sugar
2 tsp Vanilla
2 Eggs
3 C. all-purpose Flour
1 tsp Cornstarch
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
2 C. Chocolate Chips
Preheat the oven to 375F. Cream the butter with the sugars in a stand mixer for 3-4 minutes. You can use a hand mixer, but this recipe is pretty beefy. Add the vanilla and the eggs. Don’t beat the eggs for too long, just to combine.
**Here’s a super duper secret tip! Turn of the mixer for a sec, it can use a break anyway, and add the chocolate chips with the dry ingredients – the four, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt. Why? Well, I’ll tell you, because this gets the chocolate chips all the way through the mixture with minimal mixing. Which is good! You ever been the sad soul to get the cookie with, like, one chocolate chip? The Worst! I can’t even talk about it. Trust me, this way will make everybody happy!
So – you mix JUST until the dough comes together. Less is more, especially when we’re talking mixing flour in cookies. Sometimes there’s dry bits the paddle can’t quit get, no prob bob! Just put the dough out on the counter and squish it all together with your hands. Like playdoh. It’s amazing how well kindergarten prepares us for baking!
Portion dough out with a cookie scoop, roll into balls, and press onto the baking sheet with your palm. Bake for 7-11 minutes until the cookies look puffy, are not shiny, but are a light golden color. Leave on top of the stove on hot cookie sheet for ten minutes then remove to cooling rack until all the way cool. Or just cool to the touch because who can resist that moment when you break a cookie apart and the chocolate oozes out in a string between the two halves? Mmmmmmm. SO. GOOD.
1 C. salted Butter, cold and cubed so you don’t kill your mixer.
1/2 C. White Sugar
1 C. Light Brown Sugar
2 tsp Vanilla
2 Eggs
3 C. all-purpose Flour
1 tsp Cornstarch
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
2 C. Chocolate Chips
- Preheat the oven to 375F. Cream the butter with the sugars in a stand mixer for 3-4 minutes. You can use a hand mixer, but this recipe is pretty beefy. Add the vanilla and the eggs. Don’t beat the eggs for too long, just to combine.
- **Here’s a super duper secret tip! Turn of the mixer for a sec, it can use a break anyway, and add the chocolate chips with the dry ingredients – the four, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt. Why? Well, I’ll tell you, because this gets the chocolate chips all the way through the mixture with minimal mixing. Which is good! You ever been the sad soul to get the cookie with, like, one chocolate chip? The Worst! I can’t even talk about it. Trust me, this way will make everybody happy!
- So – you mix JUST until the dough comes together. Less is more, especially when we’re talking mixing flour in cookies. Sometimes there’s dry bits the paddle can’t quit get, no prob bob! Just put the dough out on the counter and squish it all together with your hands. Like playdoh. It’s amazing how well kindergarten prepares us for baking!
Portion dough out with a cookie scoop, roll into balls, and press onto the baking sheet with your palm. - Bake for 7-11 minutes until the cookies look puffy, are not shiny, but are a light golden color. Leave on top of the stove on hot cookie sheet for ten minutes then remove to cooling rack until all the way cool. Or just cool to the touch because who can resist that moment when you break a cookie apart and the chocolate oozes out in a string between the two halves? Mmmmmmm. SO. GOOD.