1 C. Milk
1/2 TBSP Yeast (not instant)
3 TBSP Honey
2-3 C. Unbleached all-purpose Flour
1/2 C. Butter (not margarine)
1 tsp Salt
For Dipping before baking – don’t put this in the dough because,
3 C. Water
1/3 C. Baking Soda
Warm the milk in a microwave or on the stove top until it is 110F. To test without a thermometer, dip your finger in. It should feel comfortably hot to the touch. If it burns you, it will kill the yeast! Stir the honey into the milk. Sprinkle yeast over the top and stir once to combine. Let work for 2-3 minutes.
While you wait for the yeast to do its thing, dice the butter and mix with 1 cup of four and the salt. It’s super fun if you use your hands! Stir 1 cup of four into the yeast mixture to make a sponge and let that rest for another 2-3 minutes.
Transfer the yeast mixture to the bowl of a stand mixer. Add the four/butter. Turn the mixer on medium low with a dough hook. When it starts to come together, gradually add the remaining flour until it
forms a soft dough. That means when you poke it with your fnger, it is almost sticky, but it doesn’t stick to you. It’s very important to add the flour slowly, how much you need varies greatly depending on where you live, the climate, the weather that day and if you are holding your mouth right.
Just kidding about that last part. But the rest is all true.
Transfer the dough to a greased bowl and let rise, covered with a towel, for 1 hour. While you wait there are lots of things you can do. Like the dishes. Sure, that’s lame, but you have to do them eventually right? Unless you have an adoring younger sibling handy.
Or someone you can bribe.
Heat 3 cups of water, not to boiling, just to hot, and stir in baking soda until it dissolves most of the way. There is always a little bit of residue in the bottom so don’t worry too much about getting it all to disappear.
When the dough is ready, place it on a foured surface and divide into 6 equal portions. Cover with a kitchen towel so the dough doesn’t dry out while you’re working. Roll each portion into a long snake, then twirl and twist to form a pretzel.
Dip each one into the water and baking soda, then place on a greased baking sheet. All six pretzels should ft on one sheet.
Turn the oven to 450F and let the pretzels rise while it heats. Bake 8-12 minutes, the time also varies depending on where you live. You’re going for golden brown.
And now the fun begins! How do you want to eat your pretzel? Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar? Or salt? Dip in chocolate sauce or mustard or marinara or cheese! So many options!
1 C. Milk
1/2 TBSP Yeast (not instant)
3 TBSP Honey
2-3 C. Unbleached all-purpose Flour
1/2 C. Butter (not margarine)
1 tsp Salt
For Dipping before baking – don’t put this in the dough because,
3 C. Water
1/3 C. Baking Soda
- Warm the milk in a microwave or on the stove top until it is 110F. Stir the honey into the milk. Sprinkle yeast over the top and stir once to combine. Let work for 2-3 minutes.
- Dice the butter and mix with 1 cup of four and the salt. Stir 1 cup of four into the yeast mixture to make a sponge and let that rest for another 2-3 minutes. Transfer the yeast mixture to the bowl of a stand mixer. Add the flour/butter.
- Turn the mixer on medium low with a dough hook. When it starts to come together, gradually add the remaining flour until it forms a soft dough.
- Transfer the dough to a greased bowl and let rise, covered with a towel, for 1 hour. Heat 3 cups of water, not to boiling, just to hot, and stir in baking soda until it dissolves most of the way.
- When the dough is ready, place it on a foured surface and divide into 6 equal portions. Roll each portion into a long snake, then twirl and twist to form a pretzel. Dip each one into the water and baking soda, then place on a greased baking sheet. All six pretzels should ft on one sheet. Turn the oven to 450 degrees and let the pretzels rise while it heats.
- Bake 8-12 minutes.