½ C. Butter
¼ C. Sugar
2 Eggs, room temperature
2 ½ C. Flour
1 ½ tsp Baking Powder
Favorite Jam – about ½ C.
In a stand mixer, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
(Side note; don’t you love creaming things? It makes me think of marshmallows and fluffy clouds, ponies and hockey games.)
Add eggs, one at a time. Room temperature is important in this recipe cause they will incorporate better, making a better crust.
Trust me, I know all about incorporations.
In a separate bowl, mix flour and baking powder. Whisk them even, just because you can.
Sprinkle – another thing I love – the flour mixture into the butter mixture and combine the two just until they forms a dough. Divide the dough in half and refrigerate for one hour.
Thanks for asking, because this allows the butter to harden and the dough to rest. We pretty much just made pie crust here, and pie crust needs to be cold to be flaky. It also needs to be flaky to be fabulous.
At least, I think it does.
Preheat the oven to 375F.
Lightly flour the counter and roll out one of the dough halves. Cut into ten rectangles. Place on cookies sheets, with space to grow, and use parchment paper.
Cause it rocks.
Do the same thing with the other dough half, except not the thing where you put it on the cookie sheets. Just leave it on the counter for now.
Spoon 2 TBSP of your favorite jam down the center of the dough on the cookie sheets. Then top with the dough NOT on the cookie sheets and crimp the edges with a fork so they stay closed.
When you’ve formed all 10 of your deliciously delectable breakfast tarts, whisk an egg white and brush it over each one. This will make them brown up all beautiful and also you can sprinkle BIG sugar granules on top and they will stay put.
Yay, more sugar!
Bake for 15-20 minutes, always check the lower time, and cool completely before eating. Believe me, that hot jam really wants to burn the taste buds right off!
Berry Breakfast Tarts
½ C. Butter
¼ C. Sugar
2 Eggs, room temperature
2 ½ C. Flour
1 ½ tsp Baking Powder
Favorite Jam – about ½ C.
- In a stand mixer (or with a hand mixer), cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time.
- In a separate bowl, whisk flour and baking powder. Sprinkle the flour mixture into the butter mixture and combine the two just until they forms a dough. Divide the dough in half and refrigerate for one hour.Â
- Preheat the oven to 375F. Lightly flour the counter and roll out one of the dough halves. Cut into ten rectangles. Place on cookies sheets, with space to grow, and use parchment paper so they don’t stick. Do the same thing with the other dough half, except just leave the rectangles on the counter for now.Â
- Spoon 2 TBSP of your favorite jam down the center of the dough on the cookie sheets. Then top with the rectangles that are not on the cookie sheets and crimp the edges with a fork so they stay closed. When you’ve formed all 10 of your tarts, whisk an egg white and brush it over each one. This will make them brown.
- Bake for 15-20 minutes, always check at the lower time, and cool completely before eating.