Melissa Hansen

Melissa O. Hansen is the wife of a hammock guru and the mother of five exceptional kids. When she’s not reading and writing, she enjoys being outdoors, making friends, playing board games with her family, and eating Thai food. Melissa lives with her family in Southern Utah.

“The idea for my book, The Perfect Outcast, came to me in 2010, when dystopian fiction was hot. I read a couple of books in the Uglies series and thought it had good potential, but I yearned for more depth to the story. The Giver is one of my favorite books, and I thought of some variations of the themes in those two series. I began brainstorming and The Perfect Outcast trilogy grew from there.

My favorite thing about being an Author is when readers—especially young ones—tell me how much they loved my book. There is nothing more rewarding and fulfilling than that!”