Cori’s Story

I’m Cori Cooper!

Have you ever played the game where you sum yourself up in three words? I stink at that game. Watch, I’ll show you:


That counts as one! I’m also a Mountain Girl and a Brunette. 🙂

Okay, now let’s talk about Writing! Specifically Writing Stories. It’s what I do every day and I love it more than cheese. (Story-Teller should also go up there on my list. And no – that’s not the same thing as lying!) It’s my dream, nay, my goal, dare I say, quest to write stories that make people smile. So that when they close the book and get back to life, they feel better. Like it’s all do-able and all going to be okay. Just good, happy fun.

I also love to connect with readers and writers. If you have questions about Authoring, thoughts about Writing, or you’ve read my stories and just want to tell me you love them – I will take it all! (Especially that loving my stories part. Feel free to spam me with that all day long! :)) Seriously, though, thanks for being here!

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…or just to chat! My newsletter goes out around the first of the month. I like to include bookish news, reviews, recipes, giveaways and more. If you haven’t already, you might want to subscribe. It could be fun though!